Featuring our pure cashmere baby bodysuit in red.

The holiday season is very exciting, especially when you have a new little one to introduce to your family and friends. A baby’s first holiday is memorable and special, but it can also be a little nerve wracking and stressful with all that is going on. You have to plan ahead with travel, food, baby necessities, and more when it comes to the holidays. That is why our team has come up with some great tips for getting through the family-filled season with a new baby on board!


Good Hygiene - Everyone will be wanting to hold your new little one - that’s a given! But make sure you ask everyone to wash their hands before they pick your baby up; holiday season is flu season after all! If you feel like going to wash their hands is too much, consider carrying a travel-sized hand sanitizer bottle with you so that you can easily offer it to friends and family. 

Baby Proofing - Remember to keep a close eye on your baby when celebrating the holidays at someone else’s house; most likely their house will not be baby proofed like yours may be. If you find this a little worrying, you could bring some of your baby proofing products to your family’s house to protect your little one from sharp corners. 

Travel Ready - There is lots of travel during this season, so make sure you are ready for every scenario when you have a new baby traveling with you. Cars, trains and every other type of transportation have the potential to break down or become delayed. How do you prepare for this? Make sure to always have a safety kit, extra diapers and wipes, water, snacks, hand sanitizer, tools and a physical map (in case you hit a dead zone where technology is not usable). 

Packing for Baby - As usual, always be prepared for any scenario - especially when it comes to packing for your new little one. Packing for a beach vacation? Make sure to still bring light layers in case the hotel is extremely cold. Any temperature, even when inside, can impact your baby’s comfort and physical wellbeing. Our pure cashmere baby blankets are perfect for regulating your little one’s body temperature through its thermostatic properties. Make sure to bring baby-friendly sunscreen no matter where you travel as well. You can never be too careful!

Good Night’s Sleep - You may be traveling on a plane for a few hours or sleeping over at someone else’s house - either way, you might find it difficult to keep your baby from not crying while in public. There is never shame in this situation, but of course you will want to do everything you can to calm your little one down and make them feel comfortable. To prepare for these types of situations, bring any sleep product or toy that tends to soothe your baby when he/she is feeling fussier than usual. This could be a sound machine, their blanket or stuffed animal, or of course a pacifier. 


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